Friday, March 18, 2011

Key Theorists

Francis Wayland Parker:

Parker is considered to be the founder of the progressive movement. He believed that students benefit most from reading works of high interest, which then activates their background knowledge on the topic. He developed the Quincy Method or Quincy Plan which removed harsh discipline and lessened the importance of rote memorization. He replaced these with group activities and increased arts and sciences.

John Dewey

John Dewey is perhaps the most famous proponent of the Progressive Education movement. He argued that learning is a social and interactive process and that not only is school a place to gain knowledge but a place to learn how to live. He believed that education is a key to creating social change and reform. He was a proponent of experiential learning but sought a balance between being "child-centered" and having more traditional forms of learning.

Jean Piaget
Piaget, known for his theory of cognitive development was a supporter of Progressive Education. He believed that the goal of education was to create innovators not conformers. Also, he believed that children would develop best in an interactive environment.


Francis Wayland Parker's Vision of the Arts in Education: Retrieved from

The Center for Dewey Studies

Jean Piaget Society:

*Photos courtesy of and The Center for Dewey Studies

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